Classroom Design - NextGen Spaces - Learning Spaces

Transform Learning Spaces: 6 real-world projects

Written by Alicia Springer, M.Ed.

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Transform Learning Spaces: 6 real-world projects

One of the best parts of our jobs here at Artcobell is to experience the amazing work that our collaborative community of schools, design professionals, and industry are doing to truly transform learning spaces with the express purpose of transforming the learning that takes place in them.

Welcome to our "Transforming Spaces" series, where we explore real-world educational spaces that meet the evolving needs of today's learners. From innovative media centers to dynamic classroom layouts, these spaces are deliberately designed to inspire collaboration, creativity, and autonomy. This series explores the educational "whys" driving design and showcases real-world scenarios that are reshaping traditional classroom settings to foster a more interactive and engaging learning experience.

Let's Shape the Future of Learning Spaces together!

"Transforming Spaces" explores real-world educational spaces that meet the evolving needs of today's learners. From innovative media centers to dynamic classroom layouts, these spaces are deliberately designed to inspire collaboration, creativity, and autonomy. This series explores the educational "whys" driving design and showcases real-world scenarios that are reshaping traditional classroom settings to foster a more interactive and engaging learning experience. With a focus on functional layouts and versatile furniture options, these projects demonstrate how we can future-proof classrooms and empower educators to create dynamic spaces where students can thrive. Each article explores the products and resources that can help you elevate your learning environment and transform your space into a hub of creativity and innovation. Let's embark on this journey together towards creating classrooms that truly make a difference.

Here's a highlight of what we'll cover:


A media center that focuses on building community

Forest Park ES-1

Today, libraries are more than book repositories. They serve as instructional environments, technology hubs, information centers, community gathering spaces, staff meetings, and host to parent nights.  Enhancing user experience is a top priority when designing a media center. A positive user experience ensures that users are engaged, and satisfied, and find value in the media center. There are various ways to enhance user experience, such as providing comfortable seating, creating a visually appealing environment, and offering personalized content and recommendations.

Explore this media center project that centers on providing opportunities, access, and collaboration. Reinventing the library as a dynamic media center, the design is to create an environment that fosters a sense of community and actively contributes to rebuilding the school's culture. New leadership and a dedicated librarian saw an opportunity to transform the library into a vibrant space that not only addresses these issues but becomes a catalyst for positive change.​

Read more: Transforming Spaces: Innovative Media Centers


A ELEMENTARY SCHOOL classroom that puts students in the driver's seat


This new construction elementary school truly embraces the Next Generation Classrooms concept. The school was designed for an immersive, dual-language curriculum, and incorporated cutting-edge technology and open, flexible spaces. A "classroom" would be defined by the activity, the number of participating students, and the required resources.

The design of the space aligns with the concept of Next Generation Classrooms, offering flexibility, comfort, and multifunctionality. By shifting traditional thinking from desks and chairs to the idea of "seating" and "worksurfaces," the school provides students with an engaging and adaptable space that supports diverse learning activities.​

Read more: Transforming Spaces: Elementary Classroom


A JUNIOR HIGH CLASSROOM With A pLan for the Future


How can we transform existing school buildings into modern learning spaces that meet the needs of teachers and students? These "collaborative conversions" may be restricted by construction that dates back decades (or hundreds) of years or budgets that don't allow for complete retrofits. Creative solutions address space as a commodity and offer affordable ways to transform the experience one grade or zone at a time. 

This existing Junior High School, with furniture dating back 40 years, embarked on a transformation to align with modern educational practices beginning with grade 6. The 3-year plan is to address one grade each year, as students progress. The shift towards collaborative and personalized learning environments necessitates a refresh in classroom furniture to promote movement and inclusivity.

Read more: Transforming Spaces: Secondary Classroom.

A High School that Breaks Down Barriers - Everywhere


As education continues to evolve, schools are looking at every space as a potential learning space. Common areas, once ignored or minimally furnished, are being transformed into dynamic learning environments that encourage collaboration and flexibility. These "found" spaces allow learning to extend beyond the confines of four walls, breaking down barriers and fostering a continuous and immersive learning experience where students are free to engage in learning anywhere and at any time.

A new construction high school was intentionally designed to maximize space by creating learning hallways, breakout rooms, and a learning staircase. The spaces are furnished for a variety of purposes, such as small group discussions, collaborative projects, and individual study sessions. Breakout rooms are staged throughout for teachers to use for targeted instruction with pull-out groups.

Read more: Transforming Spaces: Common Areas

A Maker Space that Celebrates Learning on Display


A strategic and intentional approach is essential for designing great maker spaces. By creating organized, durable spaces that cater to the diverse needs of CTE programs, schools can engage students, parents, and the community by making the learning process visible. This "learning on display" approach not only generates interest but also highlights student achievements and strengthens the connection between the school and its stakeholders. With transparent, fishbowl-style designs and state-of-the-art equipment, maker spaces can become the heart of the school, fostering a culture of hands-on learning and innovation.

This new construction High School envisioned a strategic layout where various CTE disciplines like culinary, sports medicine, robotics, and engineering are at the core of the school. With windows on all sides, allowing for a fishbowl effect, these spaces showcase activities and promote a culture of "learning on display." 

Read more: Transforming Spaces: Maker Space

This Cafeteria is Transformed into a Multi-Functional Learning and Doing Center

Cafe header

In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, the traditional cafeteria (for eating and assembly) is becoming a multi-functional learning space for large and small group activities. This new community space serves as a platform to engage students, parents, and even the outside world.

This refreshing viewpoint allowed this new construction high school to create organized, durable spaces that not only cater to the diverse needs of CTE programs but also engage students, parents, and the community by making the learning process visible. This "learning on display" approach aims to generate interest, highlight student achievements, and strengthen the connection between the school and its stakeholders.

Thoughtfully planned spaces cater to the diverse needs of traditional curriculum as well as career and technical education programs and may be used not only throughout the school day, but well into the night by administration, service groups, and others.

Read more: Transforming Spaces: Cafeterias


Transform Learning Spaces to Transform Learning

The transformation of learning spaces will be a collaborative effort between schools, design professionals and industry, working together to implement a vision of transformed learning that engages students and teachers alike and create outcomes that prepare us all for an exciting future. Join us on the journey!

Jun 4, 2024

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