Next Gen Spaces Blog

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Solutions: Classrooms
classrooms should be designed to inspire students Learning spaces that are flexible, collaborative,...
empowering teachers to embrace innovative teaching in new spaces
Lessons Learned: Innovative environments do not equal innovative teaching and learning
Are today's newly designed learning spaces missing the mark?
LessonS learned WHILE TRANSFORMING LEARNING SPACES: Have a Clear School Vision
furniture solutions for ADA-compliant learning spaces
We get a lot of questions from schools that are looking for classroom furniture to be used in...
3 Reasons to Choose Shaped Desks Over Rectangles for Classrooms
Over the past few years, we’ve seen a lot of creative, shaped student desks being introduced. Why...
Why is movement so important for student success?
In learning environments that promote collaboration and engagement, the ability to move easily...
Can the right classroom furniture prepare our students for the future?
When helping schools select furniture for their “future classrooms”, I often get asked whether they...
How Do I Use Taxpayer Dollars Responsibly to Buy School Furniture?
Did you know that there are more than $250 billion in open bonds across the country? This means,...
How Long Should Classroom Furniture for Schools Last?
When you purchase school and classroom furniture, you want it to last! We understand! It’s why we...
Do You Know Where Your Furniture Comes From?
You ordered your furniture and school is about to open .... Do you know where your furniture is...